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Tap Into Your Egress Traffic

Qpoint uses eBPF to monitor the egress traffic from your cloud environments, enabling continuous operational resilience through endpoint discovery, anomaly detection, easy forensic analysis and more.

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Qpoint Egress Observability Platform

Cloud transformation has led to a massive increase in external connectivity, but operators have limited visibility into which applications are connecting externally and what the payloads are.

With Qpoint, operators can tap into their egress traffic with an easy-to-deploy and flexible toolset based on best-in-class technology like eBPF, Envoy, and WebAssembly.

Index web traffic 2x

Egress Observability

Discover which applications are connecting externally, continuously monitor traffic, alert on anomalous behavior, and maintain comprehensive audit logs.


Get visibility into API token usage and map sources and destinations for all requests containing PII.

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Operational Resilience

Get visibility into the performance of endpoints and real-time detection of anomalies or issues.


Detect rate limits before they occur to prevent throttling and impacts to production applications.


Enable developers to swiftly pinpoint and resolve egress-related issues in production.

Operational resilience 3x

Zero Trust Security

Restrict access to external endpoints based on application or service identities.


Inject short-lived access tokens on-the-fly.


Scrub PII and other sensitive data from outgoing requests.

Security Tookkit

A Flexible Solution to a Multi-Faceted Problem

Qpoint's product line offers the flexibility that your team needs to solve egress in a way that works for your organization.

Q Product

Deploy an eBPF-based egress observer on your hosts to discover external dependencies, monitor egress traffic, and scan for sensitive data.

Explore Qtap Use Cases

Q Proxy

Deploy an Envoy-based egress controller on the network to restrict access to external resources based on identity, scrub sensitive data, and selectively transform or block requests.

Explore Qproxy Use Cases

<p><strong>Mike Wiley</strong></p>'s headshot

"Qpoint will pay for itself the first time you have an outage from an external service failure and can immediately identify the root cause."

Mike Wiley

Former VP and CTO, Applications @ F5 Networks
<p><strong>Kris Beevers</strong></p>'s headshot

"Qpoint revolutionizes egress traffic management for techops, offering a unique blend of real-time insights, integrated security, and adaptable middleware in a scalable cloud platform.”

Kris Beevers

CEO @ Netbox Labs
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Qpoint is Powered by a Next Generation Middleware Framework

Platform teams can leverage the Qoint middleware framework to scan payloads and detect anomalies out-of-band, or to scrub sensitive data and selectively block requests inline.


Stack functions from our middleware catalog together for serial execution.



Write and deploy custom functions using any WASM-capable language.


High Performance

Execute functions at near-native speed and with low latency for critical workloads.

High performance

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Qpoint gives enterprises the power to intelligently identify and inspect all API endpoints intertwined across applications to quickly observe, troubleshoot and remediate reliability and security issues.